Been playing this game for 20 years and never knew there was a forum...duh! Thought the game was abandoned. Find out there are 20,000 levels ??? Where have I been hiding ?? Hope I can download them, AND, can learn how to upload mine. Anyway, Hi, glad you people are here. My favorite game
You should be able to find everything you require at the Laser Tank link at top-left including all the levels and instructions for submitting new levels to Donald.
What type of computer / device are you using? Most modern operating systems understand zip files.
If you are using Windows, you should be able to Right-click on the zip file and choose to extract the files. Make sure you note (or change) the folder location where the files will be extracted.
I haven't played in maybe 15 years, but i still follow the forum, and hope to play again soon since i'm getting old and bored, haha - long ago, i had fun making levels that were like programmed computer simulations doing various calculations, using different base systems, and set the records for the most moves in a level, and other stuff like that, and some levels like "enigma" that were encoded like a combination lock. constructs within the game were like logic circuits on a circuit board. good times!
Yeah, I joined too late to take part in that voodoo-quackery! However, I did make a real-time 12-hour clock using your ternary and quinary counters plus a senary rectifier (2 inputs, 1 output) of mine. Also made a 4- and a 7-bit automatic adder (sums 2 binaries).
Have a made a few combo lock levels over the years, too.
Haven't made (or played) that many levels of late as I've not had the time but I'd like to do more. Hopefully, once things settle down with getting the new mailing list fully up and running I'll be able to spend my "LT time" on fun instead of admin.
indeed, Squirrel, i remember your "programming" of Lasertank to perform various functions - fun stuff! If you've ever seen Conway's Life, what we were doing within Lasertank was quite simlilar to what people did with creating functions within Conway's Life
I first read about Conway's Life in a Martin Gardner book. Got hold of a little program that someone had made in the early '90s and played around with it.
It was fascinating to see how such simple rules could lead to unexpectedly (to me) complicated behaviour. Seeing that gave me a better understanding of how real life created itself from simple chemical rules.
my intro to A-Life was Steven Levy's "Artificial Life" (1992), still relevant, and influenced me greatly. complexity arising from simplicity describes all life in general