Level 355

Stuck on a level? Can't get past an Anti-Tank gun? Not enough Movable Blocks? Unsure which Flag is the best one to aim for?
Seek assistance here!
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Level 355

Post by BOBWM »

I need help again. I can't even figure out what flag to pursue, they all seem impossible.
Any help appreciated. Thanks
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 355

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

Most of the flags are unreachable. I think the creator's intention is that we block the I15 and L15 ATs and then drive onto the K16 flag. The M16 AT will shoot but because you will be 2 spaces from it when you move onto the flag, the laser shot will only travel 1 space before the game ends.

However, there is a trick which will considerably shorten your solution and now is a good time to learn it because some later levels will not be solvable without it.

When you drive between two ATs facing each other, only one will shoot - and it will always be the same one as there is a direction priority. If you were on regular ground, you would die anyway but if you move onto a Flag, the game will end before the shot gets to you! This is basically the same trick which allows you to dash past next to one AT's gun using a Mover or Ice because another AT has priority to shoot.
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Re: Level 355

Post by BOBWM »

Thank you for that tip. I did not know that. However i still have been unable to solve 355,
I use C8 to block M15, but can't figure out how to block I15. As always any help is appreciated.
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 355

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

No need to block either of those ATs Bob! Just drive onto J15 - M15 will shoot as it has priority but its shot won't reach you before the game registers you as being on the Flag!

That's the trick.
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Re: Level 355

Post by BOBWM »

I misspoke. It's I15 I can't figure out how to block! I use C8 to block L15. I still need help.
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 355

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

I repeat - No need to block either of those ATs. Forget about I15. Just drive onto J15 - M15 will shoot as it has priority but its shot won't reach you before the game registers you as being on the Flag!
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Re: Level 355

Post by BOBWM »

I go back to your first answer on this level: "the creator's intention is that we block the I15 and L15 ATs".
I got L15 I can't get I 15. Thanks for your attention.
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 355

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

Let's not worry about what we might think the creator intended (as we could always be mistaken) if we can see a shorter solution.

The trick is worth learning. You will certainly need to use it on later levels.
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Re: Level 355

Post by BOBWM »

I am sorry about this long dialog. I kept pursuing the "intent"', but you finally got thru to me. Thank you for your persistence.
As always, Than you very much.
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 355

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

You're welcome Bob.
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