Level 356

Stuck on a level? Can't get past an Anti-Tank gun? Not enough Movable Blocks? Unsure which Flag is the best one to aim for?
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Level 356

Post by BOBWM »

You are going to think I'm really dumb. Now I'm stuck on 356. I have worked on this level since I was last helped (a couple of hours a day). I think I'm really close to a solution, but no.
I would like to attach a picture (PDF) of where I'm at but couldn't see how. If I could get to column E anywhere along the line I would have it solved.
Help if you will. Thanks
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 356

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

I haven't done this one (nor many others in the first level file). I'll have a look at it when I have some free time.

In the meantime, you could upload your pdf to a free image host such as https://imgbb.com/ - you don't even need to register. Then just post the link here.
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Re: Level 356

Post by BOBWM »

Here is the image of 356:
Thank You
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 356

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

As you have discovered, the key to solving this appears to be getting to the 3rd ring defined by the square with E5 and L12 as corners. However, your conclusion that this must be accessed thru Col E is not quite correct.

You can see in your pdf that you've made a pathway along the top from E3 to M3 and then to the flag so it is really this which needs to be accessed. This can be done if the E3 Block is pushed into the water at D3 instead of being wasted in D4.

The easiest way to do this is to travel 2 circuits of the outer loop (specifically thru either P7 or O1). On the first pass you'll push the L3 AT and F3 Mirror out of the way.

You will need to push the E14(corrected) Block to D15 so that you can get back to the outer loop after the first circuit.

I think that you can probably get to the flag from here.
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Re: Level 356

Post by BOBWM »

I am reluctant to ask again, but I'm still stuck.
I have been unsuccessful in following your solution:
- in the second paragraph you specify E3 to D3, in the fourth E3 to D15.
- Travel to the outer loop thro P7 or O1? How?
- Also, must I remove the movable mirror at C3, if so, how?
As always, any help appreciated. Bob
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 356

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

Ah, sorry Bob. That was a typo. It is the E14 Block which needs to go to D15.

The reference to P7/O1 for the second time of travelling around the outer loop is because you will need to be in one of those positions in order to push E3 to D3.

Sorry to have confused you.
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