Level 406

Stuck on a level? Can't get past an Anti-Tank gun? Not enough Movable Blocks? Unsure which Flag is the best one to aim for?
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Tank Master
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Level 406

Post by BOBWM »

I don't know how to start. It seems that no matter what I could do. There is no way I could reach the flag with the AT at O-16. Please advise. Thank you.
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 406

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

This level uses the fact that only one AT shot can exist at any time. As it says in the Hint "Line up the mirrors".

If you can arrange the mirrors to provide a sufficiently long shot-path, you will be able to get on the Mover and travel all the way to the flag while that shot bounces around those mirrors.
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