Level 472

Stuck on a level? Can't get past an Anti-Tank gun? Not enough Movable Blocks? Unsure which Flag is the best one to aim for?
Seek assistance here!
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Level 472

Post by BOBWM »

I haven't spent hours on this one, After about 10 moves and 20 shots, I end up with one block in the upper right area and nothing else to move.
Please tell me what I am missing.
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 472

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

The block is not the thing you need. There's a reason that P14-15 is bricks - it's so you can get the O13 AT out. You can use it to help you get to the flag.

Let us know if you need another hint.
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Re: Level 472

Post by BOBWM »

That hint did it! Thank you again
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: Level 472

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

No worries Bob. Congrats.
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