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All of Lasertank 101-150 GHS reached

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:46 pm
by Liyifeng

Hi all
To me, it is a very hard task and luckily I finally managed it all by myself. I should break all my mindsets, think out possible strategies and try to improve the score again and again.
Among the 50 levels, now I keep 17 GHSs and reached the other 33 GHSs(6 of them haven't been updated onto the official website).
Among the 17 GHSs, 7 of them are refreshed in late January and February in 2025.
I would like to share some experiences of solving levels I tried in 2025. In these levels, the GHS holders probably gave excellent solutions which are very efficient. I send my honor to these performances.
I don't mind you rebeat my GHSs after reading these informations, and I hope that you would like to write a comment here to share your experiences and opinions. I think that to SHARE is very important for the popularity of a game.
Although most of the levels have a GHS which won't be beaten forever, It is a very nice experience to try to reach (or luckily beat)them. It's a good training to do something more and more efficiently.

#0116 31/48 by ccw
I felt totally at sea in this level, only to reach 34/42 in the first two days. And then! I found that I should push I14 block to I15, and push H15 mirror to J15.

#0126 225/136 by Iron(has been beaten)
There is an impressive solution in the south-west zone to push the blocks into water. although I have beaten the GHS but if not seen the former GHS, I couldn't imagine that I could push those blocks so efficiently.

#0133 26/48 by Khep
The GHS solution is hiden well. The map looks so easy, so I was very confused before finding the right way.

#0138 117/117 by VVI(has been beaten)
There are so many strategies that can reach the flag. I had to compare these strategies day by day and made sure to bring D12M12 blocks into F1G1 water. The former GHS by VVI is skillful but he was probably a little careless to shoot G12.

#0141 186/141 by Iron(has been beaten)
The GHS probably shows good use of movable mirrors. You don't need to shoot P6P7 to death. I beat it by only 2 shots probably because of the holder's carelessness. In fact all the holders are bound to be careless time to time, to give oppotunities to other players.

#0143 202/205 by I&B(has been beaten)
The former GHS solution probably shows the top-class skill. I had tried it for 4 days before finding the right solution. I saved 18 lpb files to record the progress that I made. I share these 18 files to other players(see attachement) to show how a difficult GHS is gradually beaten. There are at least 4 main strategies: to push a block to O9 , or J9, or F9, and to use or not use B14 if you push a block to F9. The strategies have similar limits of shots so I had to compare them very carefully. My score stayed around 230 moves for long time and I felt very frustrated. But I built the confidence on the base of my habit. In fact as a teacher of math olympics, I am used to thinking a hard problem hour after hour, even day by day. I have the confidence that I can reach a score as long as one player once reached it.

#0144 70/126 by I&B(has been beaten)
It shows another example to use mirrors very efficiently. Thanks to the mirrors, there is a big cycle of laser to help you save moves.

#0150 939/384 by SzM(has been beaten)
I felt totally confused when I tried to reach this GHS for the first time, and the 2nd time, and the 3rd time. Recently I , for the 4th time, began to try it and succeeded. I admit that the difficulty is not less than #0143. I would like to share the key to reach or beat my new GHS: find another strategy. Don't fill D8 with a block. The new strategy seems impossible to reach GHS before careful thinking.

Have fun in hunting GHS
Li Yifeng