114 - deathtrap

Stuck on a level? Can't get past an Anti-Tank gun? Not enough Movable Blocks? Unsure which Flag is the best one to aim for?
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114 - deathtrap

Post by Steeloid »

How am I supposed to do this?
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: 114 - deathtrap

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

Ok, this is one of those levels where you have to get the timing of which Anti-Tank guns (ATs) are triggered by your Tank passing in front of them exactly right.

The P1 flag is not reachable so you're going to have to make it past all of those ATs on the left-hand side. You can ignore all of those ATs that are facing East in Column A because West-facing ATs have shot-priority. You don't want the ATs on even Rows (C4, C6, C8, etc) to shoot because they are too close and you will die, but you can make it past the ATs on C5, C7, C9, etc if you are already moving when you trigger them to shoot, provided that they have been delayed from shooting slightly by another AT shot still being on the screen.

The distances are such that if C7 shoots it will delay C9, and C9 will then delay C11, and so on, so all you need to do is delay (or prevent) D3 from shooting. You can do this by making another AT see you before D3 does.

Let me know how you go. I can give you more specific instructions if you like.
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Re: 114 - deathtrap

Post by Steeloid »

Could you be more specific? How exactly do I delay D3 without blocking my path or getting hit?There's two mirrors that can be moved at H7 & H14 and the AT at O15 can be moved too but none of that helps.
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Re: 114 - deathtrap

Post by Secret Squïrrel »

The O15 AT is the key. You can push it to somewhere where you can trigger it to shoot at the right time so that the existence of its laser shot will prevent (not delay) the D3 AT from shooting.

There are some levels where you have to keep an AT's shot alive long enough using mirrors so that you can slide past lots of ATs all the way to the flag. In this level you just need to have its shot last long enough for one of the other ATs in Column D to shoot instead of those in Column C. Then subsequent Col D ATs will shoot and miss as you slide by to the flag.
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Re: 114 - deathtrap

Post by Steeloid »

I did it! I just had to move the AT at O15 to O2. Thanks for the help.Laser Tank is an old game so it's nice to know someone is still around to help with levels like this.
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Secret Squïrrel
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Re: 114 - deathtrap

Post by Secret Squïrrel »


There are a number of people who are still playing the game after all these years, plus new people discover us from time to time. The forum is not very active but I try to drop in every night and Donald (the Game Manager) puts out newly-submitted levels every month which keeps us going.

Let me know if you get stuck on anything else.
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Re: 114 - deathtrap

Post by Liyifeng »

I am also around though I have no time to make/solve new levels.
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